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Body & Movement
Life is movement. From the slightest changes which occur inside our bodies with each breath, to the organized motions we perform throughout our daily lives, movement is the force which inescapably moulds not only our physical actions but with it also our thinking, our feelings and our emotions. 
As we focus our attention on what we feel as we move, our brain begins to build billions of new neurological connections which form the fundamental groundwork for developmental repatterning and transformation.
What is the body telling us when in pain, stiffness, restriction or disease? 
Simply Movement aims to explore these questions by becoming more aware of our individual movement patterns.  Specific guided movements are introduced with the purpose of opening up energy channels in the body. This can free us from restricting habitual patterns, thus allowing new patterns of thinking, moving and feeling to emerge.  The more we utilize our own body language and body-mind relationship, the more we discover new ways of moving, thinking, and feeling. Infused with a new sense of aliveness and possibility this will lead to an improved overall sense of well-being, freeing us from illness and long term body pain.
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